2023 in review

14 Jan 2024

In 2023, I continued to support Ukraine and donated more than 50% of the revenue from Aba Search and Replace to the charities helping Ukrainians in need. I will keep donating this year.

Released in December, Aba 2.6 is the first version that requires Windows Vista. The previous versions were tested on Windows XP, which remained popular for a long time after its release. Unfortunately, it became increasingly hard to maintain the Windows XP compatibility code and it limited the further development, so I had to say goodbye to Windows 2000/XP. Please contact me if it creates any problem for you; I always listen to your feedback and can send you the previous version.

In January 2023, Microsoft certified Aba Search and Replace for publication to the Microsoft Store. The new version 2.6 was also approved a few days ago, so you can download it from the Microsoft Store as well as from this website.

Thanks to Richard, Aba is also available in French . If you are a native speaker of Spanish , German , or Italian and you can translate the 17 messages that were added in the recent version, please contact me. Feel free to use Google Translate or ChatGPT, then review and edit the automatic translation. Thank you so much.

The blog post about escaping in regular expressions is still the most popular on this blog. In April, I wrote a followup about empty character classes, which was also well-received.

The new Aba version remains lean and fast. No huge runtime libraries, no cluttered UIs or bloatware. Stay tuned for the next versions!

Aba Search and Replace screenshot

Replacing text in several files used to be a tedious and error-prone task. Aba Search and Replace solves the problem, allowing you to correct errors on your web pages, replace banners and copyright notices, change method names, and perform other text-processing tasks.

This is a blog about Aba Search and Replace, a tool for replacing text in multiple files.