Replacing multiple lines of text

Replacing banner code using regular expression

You can replace several lines without any special treatment for line separators. This feature is useful for replacing banner code and other repeating elements. Note that regular expressions can span multiple lines, too. Windows (CR+LF) and Unix-style (LF) line terminators are supported.

Using complex replacements

Adding width/height attributes to <img> tags

There is a scripting language for replacements that enables you to convert matching text to lowercase, work with counters, insert the file name into each file, or add width/height attributes to <img> tags.

Inserting some text at the beginning of each file

Insert DOCTYPE tag in several html files

You can insert some lines, e.g. C++ #include directive or <!DOCTYPE> tag, at the beginning of your files. Note that the program shows you the files that will be modified and the replacements in context.

Switching to dark mode

Dark mode

You can use either a light theme or a dark theme in Aba Search and Replace. All windows are switched to the desired theme.

Using search history and favorites

Search history and favorites menu

You can repeat a previous search or a replacement. If you come up with a useful regular expression, save it in favorites. It's possible to remove items from the search history in order to protect your privacy.

Undoing a replacement

Undo tab

Your files are saved in Aba's backup folder, so you can undo a replacement if you change your mind. The backups can be removed when no longer needed.

Automate replacements

Command line interface

It's possible to set search and replace parameters from the command line. You can also perform batch replacements without any user interaction.

Customizing Aba

The Preferences tab of the options window

In the Options window, you can set up colors, font, preferred editor for your files, and the interface language (English, German, Italian, or Spanish). There are also some limits to prevent overloading your computer.

And much more...

Download Aba Search and Replace and explore all features!